My personal library of old economics books

Welcome to one of my pleasures, old books. In this section, you will find my library of antique books, where you will be able to see the copies of my property that have accompanied me in my moments of enjoyment and study over the years.

Aritmética razonada. Nociones de álgebra 1912

Aritmética razonada. Nociones de álgebra.

Author: D. José Dalmau Carles.
The book is written in Cuba (La Habana) – (1912).

It is a proven theoretical-practical treatise with application to different mercantile questions for traditional and commercial schools. It is represented as a book for professional students.

Breve reseña histórica de las plazas de estudios gratuitos del grado de bachiller

Breve reseña histórica de las plazas de estudios gratuitos del grado de bachiller

Author: Dr. D. José Hoya Montero.
The book is written in Spanish and printed in Béjar.
Cuadernos Bejaranos.

The book introduces the so-called “Scholarships” founded and financed by the City Council of Béjar (Salamanca). The Secondary School was established in that city from 1870 to 1897.

Libro Business cycles and forecasting

Business cycles and forecasting

Author: Profesor Clark Bratt, E.
The book is written in English
Chicago, Business Publications (1940).

This book was owned by Clyde T. Ellis (Senator of the United States of America). The book introduces us to the reality of business cycles and the implication of business cycles in macroeconomic trend-setting.

Libro Cartas comerciales y documentos. Autor: A. Pascual Martínez Libro escrito en español – Editorial Ochoa, Logroño (1973). En el libro se muestran las formas de proceder a la hora de desarrollar cartas comerciales y documentos desde un punto de vista de claridad y sencillez, con un vocabulario de tipo universal y perfectamente explicado.

Cartas comerciales y documentos

Author: A. Pascual Martínez.
The book is written in Spanish
Editorial Ochoa, Logroño (1973).

The book shows how to proceed when developing commercial letters and documents from the point of view of clarity and simplicity, with a universal and perfectly explained vocabulary.

Código de Comercio

Código de Comercio

The book is written in Spanish and printed in Madrid. Editorial Góngora (1959).

This book represents the Code of Commerce published by Góngora (founded in 1875).
It is an economic edition of the Revista de los Tribunales.

Colegio Público Filiberto Villalobos. 50 años de historia

Colegio Público Filiberto Villalobos. 50 años de historia

Author: Miguel Herresánchez García
The book is written in Spanish and printed in Béjar.

The book tells the story of the Filiberto Villalobos Public School through its 50 years of history, specifically between 1945/46 and 1995/96. The school in question is my childhood school.

Economía Política 1937

Economía Política 1937

Author: J.M. Tallada.
The book is written in Spanish and printed in Barcelona. J. Monteso Editor (1937).

It is a book describing the so-called Political Economy in the Library of the Modern Businessman.

Libro el contrato de arrendamiento de cosas

El contrato de arrendamiento de cosas

Author: Professor R. Fubini
Book written in Spanish
Madrid, Revista de Derecho Privado (1930)

The book is mainly a treatise on real estate leasing, leaving aside anything that might refer to the leasing of furniture, services, sharecropping, etcetera. For this purpose, the author uses some previous studies on the specific subject.

Libro Enciclopedia geográfica y económica

Enciclopedia geográfica y económica

Author: Professor L. Vinsintin. The book is written in Spanish (Luis Miracle, 1960)
Calendario Atlante de Agostini.

This is an extension, in the part corresponding to Spain, with data and statistics from the Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Ministerio de Comercio, Ministerio de Industria, Consejo de Economía Nacional, Consejo Económico Sindical Nacional, Banco de España, Banco Central, Banco Exterior, Banco de Bilbao, Banco Urquijo, and Consejo Social Económico de las N. U. Compiled by J. CALM DOMÉNECH, director of the journal “Economía Internacional”.

Estudios sobre el acto administrativo

Estudios sobre el acto administrativo

Author: José Mª Boquera Oliver.
The book is written in Spanish
Editorial Civitas, S.A., Madrid (1984).

This book deals with the concern for guaranteeing the rights and interests of private individuals, which leads to forgetting that public administrations exist to satisfy public interests and that they are therefore holders of administrative power.

Europa. El surgimiento de una nación

Europa. El surgimiento de una nación

Author: Carl J. Friedrich.
The book is written in Spanish
Madrid: Alianza. Edition dated 1973.

Jointly sponsored by The Center for International Affairs, Harvard University, and the Intitut für Politische Wissenschaft, University of Heidelberg, and funded by the Ford Foundation. The book goes into the background of the European Community and plans the development of the European concept based on consensus and joint work.

La economía de la antigüedad

La economía de la antigüedad

Author: Professor M. I. Finley.
Book written in Spanish
Fondo de Cultura Económica, Mexico D.F. (1974).

This is a classic on the economic history of Greece and Rome. Finley offers a broad overview of the exchange systems, trade, currency, and relations between the countryside and the first great cities.

La industria lechera

La industria lechera

Author: Professor L. Morelli.
The book is written in Spanish
3rd Edition Gustavo Gili (1926).

The book deals with the main processes related to the milk industry, such as processing and sales, the manufacture of butter, the manufacture of cheese, and milk products. It also sheds light on dairy associations, accounting and administration.

La inflación en versión completa

La inflación en versión completa

Author: José Luis Sampedro.
The book is written in Spanish and printed in Barcelona (1976).

It is a book that seeks to show the citizen what officially taught science prefers to ignore or mask concerning inflation.

La letra de cambio. Una peseta 1930

La letra de cambio. Una peseta 1930

Author: Jácome Ruíz.
The book is written in Spanish and printed in Madrid.
Editorial: Pequeña Enciclopedia Práctica (1930).

The book deals with the bill of exchange from its historical consideration to its involvement in international law.

Ley del Suelo 1975

Ley del Suelo 1975

The book is written in Spanish and printed in Madrid.
Publicaciones Abella (1975).

This book represents the drafting of the Ley del Suelo (Land Law) and is written by the consultant of the city councils and the collaboration of Francisco Chorot Nogales.

Libro de cuentas ajustadas y manera de poder sacar cualquier cuenta en el acto

Libro de cuentas ajustadas y manera de poder sacar cualquier cuenta en el acto

The book is written in Spanish and printed in Valencia.
Librería Pedro Pascual (1942).

SThis is another of the copies in my library, which was used to find out the amount of any number of objects at the rate of so many pesetas, or so many reales, or so many centimos each.

Manual de cuentas ajustadas a todos precios por el sistema métrico decimal

Manual de cuentas ajustadas a todos precios por el sistema métrico decimal

The book is written in Spanish and printed in Madrid.
Librería y Casa Editorial Hernando.
Undated. Probably from the beginning of the 20th century.

The book is a copy that was used to find out the amount of any number of objects at the rate of so many pesetas, or so many reales, or so many cents each.

Publicidad por escaparates

Publicidad por escaparates

Author: J. Vicens Carrió.
The book is written in Spanish
J. Bruguer Editores (1955).

The book not only comments on relevant aspects of window-dressing but also on window-dressing policy, which is to say the work and the architects, creators, maintainers, and inspirers.

Teoría económica e integración de la Europa Occidental

Teoría económica e integración de la Europa Occidental

Author: Tibor Scitovsky.
The book is written in Spanish
Madrid; Aguilar (1964).

The book contains a rigorous critical analysis and a far-sighted spirit, the pitfalls that the then attempt at European economic integration (at that time a longed-for hope) could run into.